For those who could not attend the premier, we are now offering you the opportunity to check it out on You Tube.  Once you have watched this film, we are hoping that you will share it as widely as possible – with family, friends, students and workers – especially anyone working on the waterfront.  Many folks at the live showing wanted a copy to post on various casual, ID, and other longshore sites.

HBI Films — Great Unions Make Great Families — The Dave Arian Family“Great Unions Make Great Families” is a documentary short film series, which is produced by the Harry Bridges Institute. The series spotlights families of th…

The Arian film was the fifth in a series that also included the stories of the Gene Banday, Ibarra/Cornejo, Paul Trani, and Maynez/Familathe families.  Here are the links to those films as well.


HBI Films: Gene Banday Family“Great Unions Make Great Families” is a short documentary film series, which is produced by the Harry Bridges Institute. The series spotlights families of th…
HBI Films: Paul Trani Family“Great Unions Make Great Families” is a documentary short film series, which is produced by the Harry Bridges Institute. The series spotlights families of th…


HBI Films: Ibarra / Cornejo Family“Great Unions Make Great Families” is a documentary short film series, which is produced by the Harry Bridges Institute. The series spotlights families of th…


HBI Films — Familathe / Maynez Family“Great Unions Make Great Families” is a documentary short film series, which is produced by the Harry Bridges Institute. The series spotlights families of th…

Enjoy and thank you for your interest and support.